About the Journal
Groundings UG is an accredited academic journal for undergraduate students at the University of Glasgow, supported by the Glasgow University Union Board of Management and the University Chancellor's Office. The Journal was established in 2007 under the stewardship of the Dialectic Society, who published and oversaw the project until after the 2018 edition, when ownership was transferred to the Glasgow University Union’s Libraries Committee (GUU). Excluding the years of 2009, 2020, and 2021, the Journal has been published annually- including a special edition in collaboration with the other Ancient Universities of Scotland (Groundings- Ancients), which ran between 2013 and 2018. These previous editions have been a resounding success, enabling the publication of well-over 200 student authors to date– many of whom have since gone on to lead world-changing careers, from academics at Yale through to gaining (and remaining in) careers in academic publishing itself. A student-led, peer-reviewed journal like Groundings is a rare thing throughout the academic world, and we pride ourselves on the opportunities and exposure to the academic process we are able to provide at the University, both to our authors and the whole editorial team.
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