Political and Legal Developments in the EU Law
The Migration Crisis and COVID-19
EU Law, Law, Jurisprudence, International Law, European Law, Migration, Covid-19, Political ScienceAbstract
The European Union (EU) is a remarkable example of a supranational organisation in the 21st century political world, where its 27 Member States share power and resources to pursue common economic, environmental, political, and social goals. However, in recent years, it has encountered a myriad of challenges that fracture its structure and competency. This paper examines two such momentous case studies, the Migration Crisis and COVID-19, through a legal and political lens. The research, consisting of legislation and case law, finds systemic flaws within the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) and inefficiency caused by bureaucracy that sometimes causes a stalemate. On the other hand, the initial response to COVID-19 discloses unknown weaknesses in the EU’s ability to act as a collective union towards human health.
The paper evaluates the successes and limitations of specific developments to EU law, including directives, economic mechanisms, and financial agreements, showcasing the workings of EU policy making and its impact on Member States. Then, the paper discusses the political implications of these legal developments and their role in redefining human rights for the EU in the 21st century. The paper concludes that the EU’s future relies on addressing the political implications of EU law that are essential to reinforce the EU’s role in crisis management and to better equip it to promote human development.
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