Tail Lights


  • Cindy Chew
  • Heather Mulvany




A big welcome back to Glasgow Medical School everyone! I trust everyone has had a chillaxing summer and are now raring to get stuck into the 2024/5 Academic year. An especially big “Welcome!” to all the new students starting their first year with us. We are very happy and congratulate you heartily on joining the friendliest medical school in the 2nd best city in the world to live (Timeout, 2023). I am excited to work with the new Surgo Editor-In-Chief, Daanyaal Ashraf, to bring you interesting, inspirational, educational reads and competitions throughout the year. New this year will be a “Surgo Vision: Capturing the Art of Medicine” competition. William Osler said, “Medicine is a Science of Uncertainty and an Art of Probability”. Please consider submitting and sharing your Art (any media or form) with the readership of Surgo – an internationally accessible platform. We will consider publishing up to 5 images, with each artist winning £20 and international fame - priceless! We kick off this series with a piece by Heather Mulvany (MB4).

This photo was taken on a Canon A-1 film camera on a 10-hour-long cross-country train in New York. I love its inception theme and enjoy how the lighting appears in the shot. I like that you can see the next exit doorway off in the distance giving the illusion that the train is never ending, much like this long journey felt! I hope you love it as much as I do - Heather Mulvany

We shall be continuing with our popular and prize-winning “Visual Abstract competition” – where the top 5 entries win £20 and are published with each issue of Surgo. An overall winner is selected at the end of the year to win £100. So get cracking on your SSCs, audits, and elective projects – not only might it win you some cash for a nice meal, but it is now legitimate CV fodder as Surgo is open access and discoverable (DOI and ISSN).

This brings me neatly to share the exhibition currently on display at the Clarice Pears’ Byres Road Community Hub. This showcases the amazing talent of some of your fellow medical students and maybe inspire you to pick up your camera, pencil, or paintbrushes to unleash your creativity onto the world. I hope you enjoy this issue, which features an interview with Professor Frank Sullivan, Glasgow Alumnus, and a piece on how to study. Until the next Tail lights!

